
Gardenia debuts Seasonal Sync Pair with Dhelmise in Pokmon Masters EX, alongside the Exciting Trea

 The height of summer is once again bringing a festival of new content to Pokémon Masters EX. As announced in the recent update letter from the game's producers, a brand new story event, Exciting Treasure Hunt, is making its debut today alongside a set of brand new Seasonal Scouts, featuring Gardenia in a seasonal outfit together with their new sync partner Dhelmise. Also launching today is the brand new daily battle feature, the Damage Challenge.

Story Event: Exciting Treasure Hunt
In this new event, Gardenia, who is scared of ghosts, and Acerola, a Ghost-type specialist, compete in a treasure hunt that takes them to an eerie cavern. This event is available in-game now, and will continue through until July 14th, at 10:59pm (PDT).

 By completing battles during this event, players can earn Summer Ticket A and Summer Ticket A+ items, which can be exchanged for a variety of items including 5★ Scout Tickets and Power-Ups, Special Skill Feather 37 and 38, Skill Items, Lucky Cookies for Gardenia (Summer 2024), Acerola (Summer 2024), and Lana, and Support and Field Move Candy Coins. Players can also obtain Gems and Event Medals for completing special missions during the event.As usual for events of this type, players will receive bonus rewards if they take on event battles using teams that feature specific sync pairs. The more of these sync pairs that players place in their lineup, the greater the bonus received. The applicable sync pairs and reward rates are as follows:
These bonuses stack additively, so having a team consisting of Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise, Tate (Summer 2023) & Jirachi, and Liza (Summer 2023) & Celesteela would grant a combined +140% (×2.4) rewards.

Players should also note the following when playing this event:
  • The number of plays available for Daily Extreme Battle 1 are reset every day at 11:00pm (PDT).
  • To participate, players must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those players can actually obtain.
  • All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
  • Leftover Summer Ticket A and Summer Ticket A+ items will be automatically converted to coins at a rate of 10 coins per item at the end of the event, and sent to players' Present Boxes
 Limited-Time Expedition Areas and Locations in the Trainer Lodge
Until July 14th, at 10:59pm (PDT), limited-time summer festival themed locations will be available during interactions at the Trainer Lodge, along with a Limited-Time Expedition Area.

Players will also be able to form a Special Team in this Expedition Area that can receive substantial amounts of Expedition Awards. Adding certain Sync Pairs to this Special Team will grant special bonuses to Discovery Level in addition to the normal change based on Expedition Skill. Drop-In Events will not appear for Special Teams on Expeditions. Once the limited-time expedition area disappears, Special Teams will be automatically disbanded, with any unclaimed items able to be received by going to the expedition screen.

Log-in Bonus
Exciting Treasure Hunt
includes a log-in bonus over 14 days. Players can receive these bonuses up until July 14 at 10:59pm (PDT), so even if you're a couple of days late starting the event you'll still have the chance to receive all of the available gifts.

  • Day 1: Skip Ticket ×20
  • Day 2: Gems ×100
  • Day 3: Gems ×100
  • Day 4: Gems ×100
  • Day 5: Skip Ticket ×20
  • Day 6: Gems ×100
  • Day 7: Gems ×100
  • Day 8: Gems ×100
  • Day 9: Skip Ticket ×20
  • Day 10: Gems ×100
  • Day 11: Gems ×100
  • Day 12: Gems ×100
  • Day 13: Gems ×100
  • Day 14: Skip Ticket ×20
Event Gem Specials
In conjunction with Middle-Aged Opposites, the following four Event Gem Specials will be available in the purchase gems tab of the in-game shop until July 2nd, at 10:59pm (PDT), offering discounted prices on paid gems.
  • June event gem special 5: Gems ×300
  • June event gem special 6: Gems ×1,800
  • June event gem special 7: Gems ×3,900
  • June event gem special 8: Gems ×7,000
 Gardenia Seasonal Scouts
This collection of Gardenia Seasonal Scouts offer players an opportunity to scout this brand new seasonal 5★ sync pair, who make their debut today as part of the Exciting Treasure Hunt Story Event.  Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise are a Ghost-type Field role Sync Pair with a Support EX Role. When raised to 6★ EX, Gardenia's outfit is shifted to a rust red, matching the palette of Dhelmise's shiny variant.

Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise's Passive Skill allows them to buff all allies Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank, as well as randomly increasing one of Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness for all allies every time they create a Zone. It's quite fortunate then that they're able to create both Ghost and Steel Zones through a combination of different moves and Passive Skills. Their Summer Hues Shadow Ball Buddy Move for instance lays down a Ghost Zone and attacks all opponents, debuffing their Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 rank, and has a 20% chance of additionally lowering thir Sp. Def by 1 stat rank. Another Passive Skill meanwhile creates a Steel Zone the first time Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise use Metal Sound in battle, while yet another Passive Skill allows that move to hit all opponents and lower their Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks. More details about the sync pair can be found on Bulbapedia.

Gardenia's Seasonal Scout gives players a bonus present for the first three times players perform a Sync Pair Scout ×11, awarding a Field Move Candy Coin each time. This Seasonal Scout also include a daily discount, where players can perform a single scout for ×100 paid gems. This daily discount can be used 1 time per day during the entire length of the scout.

In addition to the regular Seasonal Scout, players can also take advantage of a Gardenia Seasonal Tiered Scout. This scout has ten tiers, each of which is a Sync Pair Scout ×11. Players are able to scout once on each tier by using Paid Gems, with the amount of gems increasing with each tier. Additionally, Tiers 5 and grants the player special tickets to use in an associated Gardenia Seasonal Featured Ticket Scout and Gardenia Seasonal Guaranteed Ticket Scout.

  • Tier 1: Paid Gems ×300
  • Tier 2: Paid Gems ×900
  • Tier 3: Paid Gems ×1,500
  • Tier 4: Paid Gems ×2,000
  • Tier 5: Paid Gems ×3,000 - Grants 5★ Great Scout Ticket L
  • Tier 6: Paid Gems ×2,000
  • Tier 7: Paid Gems ×2,500
  • Tier 8: Paid Gems ×2,500
  • Tier 9: Paid Gems ×2,500
  • Tier 10: Paid Gems ×3,000 - Grants 5★ Master Scout Ticket L
The Gardenia Seasonal Scout and Gardenia Seasonal Tiered Scout will both run until July 14th at 10:59pm (PDT). The associated Ticket Scout meanwhile runs through to July 21st, at 10:59pm (PDT).

 Damage Challenge: Training with Nemona!
As previewed in the recent letter from the game's developers, the new Damage Challenge is making its debut today in Pokémon Masters EX. Damage Challenge: Training with Nemona! is a daily challenge event, where Players must attempt to deal as much damage as possible to an opponent within a set time limit.

Due to Not Super Effective: Zero Damage, attacks other than supereffective attacks will inflict zero damage. This rule cannot be bypassed by moves or Passive Skills which would otherwise ignore Passive Skills that would reduce damage from attacks. Damage from non-attack sources, such as status conditions and field effects, will continue to apply as normal outside of specific circumstances. At the same time, Players will also have little to fear from their opponent's attacks, meaning you can focus on setting up your team in order to dish out maximum pain.

After completing the challenge, Players will receive a Score Rank, along with Training Tickets based on the amount of damage dealt. Training Tickets are earnt on the basis of 1 Training Ticket for every 10,000 points of score up to 1,000,000, and then 1 Training Ticket for every additional 50,000 points. These Training Tickets can then be exchanged for special Sync Pairs only available from the Training Ticket Exchange, as well as Co-op Sync Orbs.

The type weakness for this first Damage Challenge against Nemona is Psychic. The battle content in the Damage Challenge will change twice a week, every Tuesday and Friday at 11:00pm (PDT), offering different sets of opponents with different weaknesses. The number of opponents will also vary between each battle, with players sometimes facing a single solitary opponent, and at other times a full team of 3. Rewards will also reset together with each change.

 Photo Frame and Background Missions
A special set of 3 missions are now available, allowing players to earn a special summer Photo Frame and Background to use in the Photo Creator.

  • Mission 1: Use stamina (/100) - Gems ×50
  • Mission 2: Use stamina (/200) - Gems ×100
  • Mission 3: Use stamina (/300) - Background: No. 123
Completing all 3 missions will Frame: No. 42


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-03-30