How to complete The Hippogriff Marks the Spot in Hogwarts Legacy
Sometimes you go looking for adventure and other times adventure is handed to you via a map found in some ancient ruins. There are plenty of side quests in Hogwarts Legacy and some of them are found by happenstance while you are exploring. The Hippogriff Marks the Spot is one of the few side quests you can discover as you explore the southern portion of the map and it leads to ancient treasure. This guide will show you how to complete The Hippogriff Marks the Spot in Hogwarts Legacy.
The Hippogriff Marks the Spot walkthrough in Hogwarts Legacy
After you manage to break your way through the goblin encampment that blocks you from accessing the Poidsea Coast, head south to Poidsea Castle. This area has been overrun by dark wizards so prepare for a battle. Once the dust has settled and you are the victor, you can find the map on the southern side of the castle. This map has a section of the land marked on it along with a hippogriff statue and some ruins.
Follow this map by going south to the large body of water. You are looking for Manor Cape. These large ruins are southeast of the West Manor Keep Floo Flame fast travel point. Once there, locate the entrance on the side of the ruins that leads inside the cliffside. This will lead you to Henrietta’s Hideaway.
Inside Henrietta’s Hideaway, you will find a room with two plates on the ground. One plate has a freezing cube on it. Leave this cube alone. Look to the left side of the room and ignite the bowl at the base of the statue. This will make the statue turn and reveal a fire cube. Use Wingardium Leviosa on the cube and move it over to the plate with the fire symbol on it. Hit the fire cube with a fire spell and the freezing cube with the Glacius spell. Doing this will open the door.
Related: How to get the Kelpie Robe in Hogwarts Legacy
With the door open, go inside the hideaway and take out the Ashwinders in the room with the hippogriff statue. Once they are all defeated, turn your attention to the statue. Look at the pattern of fire that appears on the map. Use a fire spell and the Glacius spell to ignite and extinguish the fire bowls around the statue to match the pattern.
When you have the fires burning in the right pattern, a wall behind the hippogriff statue will open up, revealing a treasure chest. Interact with the treasure chest to complete the quest.
About the author
Aden Carter
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